Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Obedience is Scary

Talk about mixed emotions...

Man, oh man.

I am experiencing a range of emotions as I begin clearing out my home and packing up my belongings into just a few bags. I've built quite a life here in Dallas with all the things needed to have the typical "good" home. Now I am about to sell it all, pack up and move to another country. Wow.

I'm realizing that I've glamorized the idea of moving. I didn't realize it until this morning. After a bad dream about a young family member passing unexpectedly, my heart is racing with the reality of leaving my loved ones and stepping into the unknown. So much of me wants to stay here and be there for them, to love on them and just be near. What I want more is to be obedient to the urging of God and His plan for me. It's scary though. It's tough. It's overwhelming at times. Oh, but it's exciting too. It's joyous. It's freeing.

It's all becoming real. My heart doesn't know how to feel about it yet.

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